Focus on Manufacturing. Interdisciplinarity. Applied Research.
Established in 1991, the Competence Center in Manufacturing (CCM) is a laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Division of ITA actuating in projects focusing in manufacturing technologies. Due to the complexity of the topic, CCM has a interdisciplinary organization to enable the approach of the topic along the entire product lifecycle. It offers solutions comprising the competences of integrated product development, computational simulations, manufacturing processes, metrology, automation of assembly processes and developments on functional validation methods. The integration of all these competences is just possible due to the strong orientation of all members towards the demands of the society, through applied research investigations promoting the cooperation Industry-Academy.

In order to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, in addition to increasing the complementation and modernization of the manufacturing industry, CCM brings with it the mission of developing associated human and technological capital to enable the access of the entire manufacturing industry as new production technologies.

In order to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, in addition to increasing the complementation and modernization of the manufacturing industry, CCM brings with it the mission of developing associated human and technological capital to enable the access of the entire manufacturing industry as new production technologies.