Although the CCM competences are divided into areas, it is the multidisciplinarity that governs the laboratory. The integration of the knowledge of diverse collaborators and professors promotes the accomplishment of researches and developments that make use of the state of art to give back to society technological and competent solutions. Industrial partnerships leverage the development of technological research, bringing academia and industry closer together in order to advance society.

Crossed Competences


Development of industrial projects aimed at the areas of robotics through the use of industrial robots of various sizes and the implementation of robotic systems aiming at the optimization of process parameters in the manufacture of the product through Design for Manufacturing.

Areas covered

  • Control system
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Process Simulation

Industrial projects carried out

  • Development of end-effectors to optimize manufacturing processes
    Automation of assembly processes
  • Flight simulator on robotic platform
  • Mobile power amplification system
  • Aerial scanning and automated painting with drones

Tools and methods are applied and developed to minimize risk and improve the quality and cost of products. By anticipating knowledge of the product’s life cycle, from the initial stages of its design, promoting product and process choices taking into account multidisciplinary aspects such as materials, manufacturing processes, and environmental and economic sustainability.

Process modeling and simulation

  • Representation of real processes in virtual mode
  • Use of digital twins to anticipate scenarios
  • Modeling of processes and value chains

Lifecycle and integrated product development

  • Application of the concepts of DIP and DEP
  • Product life cycle management
  • Promotion of multidisciplinarity and systems integration


Development of solutions to increase the efficiency of manufacturing processes such as machining, additive manufacturing, resistance spot welding, stamping and hybrid processes. Application of different approaches for complex machining, cutting strategies, computer modeling and simulation, machinability of materials, certification of machining fluids and research and innovation in cutting tools. Monitoring of processes and machines. Application of artificial intelligence models to aid decision making.


  • CNC machines – Romi DCM620 5x, D800 3x, Lathe E280, and conventional
  • Dedicated software for simulation and modeling (NX, Catia, Solidworks, Ansys etc.)
  • Large volume measuring equipment, profilometers and microscopes
  • Research in different areas of machining: tools, new materials, cutting fluids, strategies, machine tools, surface engineering, etc.

Additive Manufacturing

  • Investigations of surface integrity characteristics in AM processes
  • Improving the viability of the MA process


  • Kraft KF-45 Eccentric Press
  • Surface integrity in stamping of automotive components


  • CB 150 kVA resistance spot welding unit – DÜRING
  • Image inspection of the spot welding process
  • Investigation of the energy efficiency of the spot welding process

Modeling of manufacturing processes using numerical tools to assess the structural integrity of mechanical components. Ability to evaluate composite, ceramic and metallic materials. Implementation of optimization tools combining aspects of robustness, reliability, lightness and cost within the Design for Manufacturing methodology.

Development of elements

  • Proprietary code (C ++, Python, Fortran)
  • Subroutines in commercial software (Abaqus, Ansys, Patrain / Nastran)
  • Beam elements, plates and shells

Product simulation

  • Modal analysis for natural frequency determination
  • Topological optimization
  • Simulation of large structures

Process simulation

  • Ability to evaluate multiple processes
  • Insertion of mechanical, thermal and microstructural influences
  • Assessments in terms of residual stresses, strain and fatigue performance

It aims to guarantee the quality of the research carried out, guaranteeing the quality of the measuring equipment and providing cutting-edge equipment. At CCM we have a metrological environment at the disposal of the research carried out in the laboratory, as well as equipment for geometric, tribological measurements and macro and micro scale surfaces.

Large volume measurement

  • Equipment for mapping large volumes, Laser Tracker and Laser Scan.
  • Industrial park mapping
  • Integration of measurement systems with automation of component assembly and manufacturing processes


  • Development of benches and dedicated equipment for tribological evaluations from samples on laboratory scales to validation of components in application.
  • Fluid evaluation, disk pin bench, rugosimeters, microscope, among others

Metrological equipment

  • Measuring equipment such as calipers and micrometers. Availability of calibrated standard weights.
  • Coordinate measuring machine for serial measurements and or greater precision in results

In addition to the innovative ideas and solutions developed within the research projects, the CCM also has an environment geared towards this competence. The Open Laboratory is a collaborative and multidisciplinary space, developed to encourage its users to transform their ideas into businesses, through the manufacture of new products and / or prototypes, offering access to a range of machines and tools with unconventional manufacturing technologies.

Laboratório aberto

  • Multidisciplinary and creative environment. Business plan development, prototyping and manufacturing of volumetric models, mockups and physical prototypes.
  • It has equipment for additive manufacturing, laser cutting and engraving machines, milling machine and conventional lathe, micro milling machine for printed circuit, modeling software, metrological instrumentation, among others.

ITA Challenge

  • Entrepreneurship challenge at national level
  • Participants are challenged to develop, mature and enhance projects with innovative solutions and identify business opportunities, associating theoretical knowledge with practical development

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are technologies that have been growing significantly in recent years. While virtual reality allows the user to be transported into a digital world and to interact with new spaces and sensations, Augmented Reality merges the real world with virtual elements in the form of “Holograms”. Both technologies have great potential to modify the way we see and interact with the world. With these capabilities in mind, CCM has been developing projects that insert both systems in different contexts ranging from the conception and design of industrial plants to training systems and aeronautical aids.

AR/VR projects in manufacturing

  • Creation, planning and monitoring of virtual industrial plants
  • Development and planning of manufacturing aided by RA
  • Creation of “holographic” robots for interaction with real plants
  • Improvement of assembly systems aided by “holographic” elements
  • Improvement of production processes aided by RA/RV

Aeronautical training and creation of Real-Virtual Assist Interface

  • RA/RV application studies in pilot training
  • Development of auxiliary and/or complementary aeronautical instruments.

Complete cycle of development of gears and transmission systems, correlating the stages of design, manufacture and performance evaluation with each other. It promotes the creation of integrated solutions, in addition to working with simulation of manufacturing processes and dedicated software. Equipment for manufacturing, evaluation of surface integrity and component validation. Design of test equipment, durability tests, efficiency, NVH, among others.


  • Dedicated software (Pro Gear, WZL Gear toolbox, KissSoft, etc.)
  • Design of transmission systems for various applications
  • Influence of manufacturing processes on the surface integrity of gears


  • Integration of manufacturing processes with design, experimental and predictive stages
  • Development of FEM models
  • Surface integrity assessment using microscope, rugosimeter, ultrasound, etc.

Performance Evaluation

  • Test center for assessment of fatigue, efficiency, NVH, fluids, thermal and tribological
  • Development of equipment and benches for performance evaluation and component validation
  • Correlation of performance with design steps and product manufacturing processes

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