About Us

The Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), founded on January 16, 1950, is a university institution linked to the Air Force Command (COMAER), specialized in the aerospace sector. Its purpose is to promote, through education, teaching and research, the progress of science and technology related to aerospace activities and the training of higher education professionals in the specializations of the Aerospace Sector. ITA was responsible for great advances in Brazil in the last 60 years, including the creation of Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica (Embraer), the development of the Automotive Ethanol Program, as well as the improvement of the telecommunications sector (Telebrás). Located in the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), in São José dos Campos, SP, ITA has competence in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering and Physics.

The Manufacturing Competence Center (CCM), founded in 1991, is a multidisciplinary laboratory in the manufacturing area of ​​ITA, specializing in all stages of the product life cycle. Since the beginning, CCM has carried out works aimed at the development of Brazilian industry, promoting innovation in the field of manufacturing through the development of applied research and integrated solutions in Academic-Industrial cooperation projects.

The research conducted is mostly multidisciplinary and includes the areas of Manufacturing Processes, Automation, Metrology, Digital Manufacturing and Structural Analysis. In addition, concepts are used to increase efficiency and quality, such as Integrated Product Development (DIP) and Lean Manufacturing (Lean Manufacturing).

The Fraunhofer Project Center for Advanced Manufacturing @ ITA consisted in offering competences from both, Fraunhofer IPK and CCM-ITA, to the Brazilian market. Fraunhofer IPK and CCM-ITA started in 2009 a cooperation considered to be immensely successful, especially due to the number of high-impact projects conducted by these institutions in Brazil. The FPC@ITA was officially implemented in November of 2017, after the signature of the cooperation agreement between Fraunhofer and ITA, and this cooperation goes until June 2021. Both CCM and Fraunhofer IPK have offered in their portfolios a myriad of complementary products and services, focusing on prospecting and developing industrial R&D projects in Brazil. Aiming to extend this collaboration and the successful complementarity of competencies to the Brazilian market, both institutions sought a common strategy for the expansion of their activities in Brazil. Such strategy alignment went through the implementation of the Fraunhofer Project Center for Advanced Manufacturing – FPC@ITA. This cooperative research work was carried out until 2021, when this phase ended, by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from CCM/ITA and Fraunhofer IPK, who worked in Brazil and Germany. Both institutes are currently working on the continuation of this partnership.

The CCM-ITA is an EMBRAPII Unit accredited to develop projects in the area of Power Transmission Systems. Today acting in a multidisciplinary way in the areas of Design, Manufacturing and Monitoring and Control of Transmission Systems.

By developing solutions that integrate processes across the entire life cycle of products, the EMBRAPII Unit CCM-ITA can boost the competitiveness of companies through innovation and improvements achieved by applied research focused on the real needs of companies.

The cooperation between CCM-ITA and EMBRAPII allows you to discuss, approve and contract projects with autonomy, directly with your company. You can count on the financial and physical resources available quickly while providing your technical team the perfect environment to overcome its challenges.

Join us at CCM-ITA to help build the future of the national industry.

The Manufacturing Competence Center (CCM), founded in 1991, is a multidisciplinary laboratory in the manufacturing area of ​​ITA, specializing in all stages of the product life cycle. Since the beginning, CCM has carried out works aimed at the development of Brazilian industry, promoting innovation in the field of manufacturing through the development of applied research and integrated solutions in Academic-Industrial cooperation projects.

The research conducted is mostly multidisciplinary and includes the areas of Manufacturing Processes, Automation, Metrology, Digital Manufacturing and Structural Analysis. In addition, concepts are used to increase efficiency and quality, such as Integrated Product Development (DIP) and Lean Manufacturing (Lean Manufacturing).

O Fraunhofer IPK em Berlim possui 40 anos de excelência em ciências da produção. O instituto conduz pesquisa aplicada e desenvolvimento em todo o espectro de processos da indústria de manufatura, desde o desenvolvimento de produto, processos produtivos, manutenção de bens de investimento e reciclagem de produtos até o design e gestão de empresas de manufatura. O Fraunhofer IPK também atua na transferência de soluções em tecnologias de produção para outros campos além da indústria, como as áreas de transporte e segurança. O Fraunhofer IPK está estruturado nas divisões de Gestão Corporativa, Criação Virtual de Produtos, Sistemas de Produção, Tecnologias de Soldagem e Revestimento, Tecnologias de Automação e Gestão da Qualidade, assim como a área exploratória de Engenharia de Tráfego. A relação próxima entre essas divisões torna o Fraunhofer IPK apto a realizar projetos de extrema complexidade técnica.

Como um instituto da Sociedade Fraunhofer, o Fraunhofer IPK customiza sua atuação de forma a atender às necessidades e requisitos de seus clientes e parceiros. Unindo orientação ao mercado e resultados reais consistentes, os seus projetos de P&D ajudam a criar diferenciais competitivos duradouros para seus parceiros. O instituto desenvolve soluções inovadoras para o futuro além de modernizar, otimizar e ampliar o uso de tecnologias e aplicações já existentes. Em toda sua atuação, o instituto Fraunhofer IPK busca harmonizar critérios econômicos com o uso eficiente de recursos, sustentabilidade e compatibilidade ambiental. Além de pesquisa contratada, o Fraunhofer IPK também conduz projetos de pesquisa de caráter pré-competitivo a fim de desenvolver conceitos inovadores para a produção do amanhã, trabalhando sempre próximo aos seus parceiros para transformar inovações em produtos para o mercado.

O Fraunhofer Project Center for Advanced Manufacturing @ ITA consiste na oferta de competências de ambos, Fraunhofer IPK e CCM-ITA, para o mercado brasileiro. O Fraunhofer IPK e o Centro de Competência em Manufatura (CCM) no ITA iniciaram em 2009 uma cooperação que é hoje considerada como de imenso sucesso, especialmente devido ao grande número de projetos de alto impacto conduzidos por estas instituições no Brasil. Ambos, CCM e Fraunhofer IPK, oferecem atualmente em seus portfolios uma miríade de produtos e serviços complementares, focando na prospecção e no desenvolvimento de projetos industriais de P&D no Brasil.
Almejando extender esta colaboração e a complementariedade e bem-sucedida de competências para o mercado brasileiro, ambas as instituições buscam uma estratégia comum para a expansão de suas atividades no Brasil. Esse alinhamento de estratégias passa pela implementação do Fraunhofer Project Center for Advanced Manufacturing – FPC@ITA. Esse trabalho de pesquisa cooperativa é desempenhado por um time multidisciplinar de pesquisadores do CCM/ITA e do Fraunhofer IPK, trabalhando no Brasil e na Alemanha.

Foster innovation and Entrepreneurship and increase the competitiveness and modernization of the manufacturing industry.

Enable the access of the entire manufacturing industry to new production technologies.

Develop human, technological and reputation capital to apply engineering knowledge to manage the product development cycle and optimize high performance manufacturing.

  1. Integrity and honesty are at the heart of business.
  2. Our assets are our people, our capital is our reputation.
  3. We pride ourselves on the professional quality of our work.
  4. The progress of each professional depends mainly on him.
  5. We emphasize creativity and imagination in everything we do.
  6. We always seek the best professionals for each task.
  7. We work as a team. There is no room for personal daydreams.
  8. We always try to be at the technological forefront.
  9. Our performance is the key to success.
  10. We want to be big to take on the biggest projects.
  11. We need to be role models to maintain team loyalty and spirit.
  12. We received confidential information. The breach of trust is inconceivable.
  13. We must never defame competition.

A missão especifica do Fraunhofer Project Center é promover a competitividade das indústrias brasileira, alemã e europeia através da transferência de conhecimento, pesquisa aplicada e inovação.

O Fraunhofer Project Center possui como visão de longo prazo tornar-se um dos líderes em fornecimento de P&DI e uma referência institucional em soluções inovadoras no Brasil, avançando em pesquisa internacional e atividades de desenvolvimento.

Os objetivos estratégicos do Fraunhofer Project Center são orientados a promover e apoiar os sistemas nacional e internacional de inovação, por meio de excelência operacional, competências sólidas em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de soluções tecnológicas e processos inovadores, bem como trabalho em proximidade com clientes, parceiros e a comunidade científica.

Os objetivos estratégicos do Fraunhofer Project Center são orientados a promover e apoiar os sistemas nacional e internacional de inovação, por meio de excelência operacional, competências sólidas em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de soluções tecnológicas e processos inovadores, bem como trabalho em proximidade com clientes, parceiros e a comunidade científica.

Our History

More than 25 years of activities dedicated to the development of Brazilian society, promoting the academic-industrial connection through technological research. Our history tells a little of each stage we live and achievements we obtain.



Founders of CCM
Prof. Dr. Luis Gonzaga Trabasso
Prof. Dr. Jefferson de Oliveira Gomes
Prof. Dr. Sergio Frascino Muller de Almeida.



First CCM installation


1991 / 2000

Implementation of the shop floor at CCM


1991 / 2000

First logotype CCM

2001 / 2010

CCM New Logotype





Implementation of aircraft structural assembly automation



First Patent Developed at CCM



Start ITA Challenge - 2012



Laboratório Aberto



Inauguration of the new CCM






Fraunhofer Project Center Starts






Renewal of Legacy 500-inspired painting






Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing ITA

Help us to Build Our History

Our Team

CCM Council

The laboratory council is formed by 10 professors from different areas of knowledge, thus adding a multidisciplinary characteristic to the CCM. In addition to the academic areas in which each professor operates: manufacturing, automation, structures, metrology and machine elements, the CCM council also has direct contact with the Brazilian industrial sector. This ease of communication opens doors for the laboratory’s research to be in sync with the national industrial development.


CCM Team

The CCM team is made up of post-doctoral students, post-graduate students latu sensu (master’s and doctoral students), undergraduate students, technicians and interns with higher and secondary education. The vast majority, graduate students who make up the laboratory have diverse training, from mechanical, metallurgical, materials, production, chemical, mechatronic, electrician, automation engineers, among others. They develop their research within industrial projects, in addition to assisting in the organization and care of the laboratory.

Be Part of It 

Industrial Partners

With the purpose of giving back to society all knowledge acquired in the academic area, in addition to developing technically qualified people, the laboratory promotes projects directly with the Brazilian industrial sector. Seeking to develop the national industry, the research and development (R&D) projects carried out in the laboratory, converge academic knowledge and the desire for research with the development requirements of the national scenario. Click on the link below to learn more about the R&D projects carried out by the laboratory.

Academic Partner

Without losing the multidisciplinary nature that governs the laboratory, the R&D projects developed by the CCM often rely on academic partnerships from other teaching and research institutions (ICTs). We always look for partners who add knowledge and are willing to overcome the challenges imposed by the Brazilian national sector. Come be part of our team, be it a researcher or educational institution, contact us through the link below.

CCM Collaborator

No research project would be carried out without the desire of the Brazilian researcher. Experience academic research being applied directly to Brazilian society. Be part of the CCM group of researchers, carry out your academic research developing themes from the state of the art of engineering and seeing your results become development for society. To be part of a CCM employee, you must be linked to an ITA graduate program. Click on the link below to learn more.