The event took place on May 17 and gathered 80 participants from 46 companies and research institutes at the Technology Park of São José dos Campos
The Fraunhofer Institute IPK (Berlin-ALE) in partnership with the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) and the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) São Paulo, organized the event in the areas of additive manufacturing, automation, digitalization and IIoT. The day of presentations included speakers from AMBEV, CBA, Höganäs, Petrobras and Bunge, who, in collaboration with ITA and Fraunhofer IPK, addressed the challenges of the industry related to emerging technologies in the area of advanced manufacturing.
The Rector of ITA, Professor Anderson Ribeiro Correia, opened the event, highlighting the Institute’s actions towards internationalization and closer ties with the industry. Next, the Secretary for Innovation and Economic Development of São José dos Campos, Alberto Alves Marques Filho, welcomed the participants with a speech about the city hall’s perspective regarding the boost of investments in innovation and technological development in the Vale do Paraíba region.
With the effect of enhancing the partnership between academia and industry, the speakers brought their experiences in companies about the digital transformation process and the implementation of Industry 4.0, addressing the challenges in a technical way and discussing the issues through an industrial and academic perspective.